

E-mails are not as easy as they should be. Luckily for you, Coravel solves this by offering:

  • Built-in e-mail friendly razor templates
  • Simple and flexible mailing API
  • Render your e-mails for visual testing via ASP Controllers, etc.
  • Drivers supporting SMTP, e-mailing to a local log file or BYOM ("bring your own mailer") driver
  • Quick and simple configuration via appsettings.json
  • And more!

Coravel's Mailer



Install the Coravel CLI:

dotnet tool install --global coravel-cli

Using the CLI, installer the mailer feature:

coravel mail install

This will install the Nuget package Coravel.Mailer, along with scaffolding some basic files for you:

  • ~/Views/Mail/_ViewStart.cshtml - Configures mail views to use Coravel's e-mail templates
  • ~/Views/Mail/_ViewImports.cshtml - Allows you use Coravel's view components
  • ~/Views/Mail/Example.cshtml - A sample mail view
  • ~/Mailables/Example.cs - A sample Mailable


Configure Services

In Startup.ConfigureServices():

services.AddMailer(this.Configuration); // Instance of IConfiguration.


Coravel comes with multiple drivers that change where and how your e-mails are sent.

File Log Driver

This driver will send e-mails to a mail.log file in the root of your project. Great for development and testing.

P.S. Don't forget - you can render your e-mails to a browser for visual testing.

To use this driver, configure your appsettings.json file:

"Coravel": {
  "Mail": {
    "Driver": "FileLog"

Smtp Driver

Add the following keys:

"Coravel": {
  "Mail": {
    "Driver": "SMTP",
    "Host": "smtp.mailtrap.io",
    "Port": 2525,
    "Username": "[insert]",
    "Password": "[insert]"

Custom Driver

The custom driver allows you to decide how you want to send e-mails (through some API call, etc.). Because it requires a closure, you need to explicitly call AddCustomMailer() in ConfigureServices():

// A local function with the expected signature.
// This defines how all e-mails are sent.
async Task SendMailCustomAsync(
    string message,
    string subject,
    IEnumerable<MailRecipient> to,
    MailRecipient from,
    MailRecipient replyTo,
    IEnumerable<MailRecipient> cc,
    IEnumerable<MailRecipient> bcc,
    IEnumerable<Attachment> attachments = null
    // Custom logic for sending an email.

services.AddCustomMailer(this.Configuration, SendMailCustomAsync);

Built-In View Templates

Coravel's mailer comes with some pre-built e-mail friendly razor templates! This means you don't have to worry about building a reusable template and store it in your database. But.... no one ever does that 😋.


If you used the Coravel CLI, it already created the file ~/Views/Mail/_ViewStart.cshtml. It defaults to use Coravel's "colorful" template.

If you wish to use the plain template, replace the file contents with this:

    Layout = "~/Areas/Coravel/Pages/Mail/PlainTemplate.cshtml";

Global Template Configuration

What about static content like the mail footer and logo? Coravel's got you covered.

In your appsettings.json, you may add the following global values that will populate when using Coravel's built-in templates:

"Coravel": {
    "Mail": {
        /* Your app's logo that will be shown at the top of your e-mails. */
        "LogoSrc": "https://www.google.ca/images/branding/googlelogo/1x/googlelogo_color_272x92dp.png",

        /* If set, displayed in the footer. */
        "CompanyAddress": "1111 My Company's Address",

        /* If set, displayed in the footer inside the copyright statement. */
        "CompanyName": "My Company's Name",

        /* If set, is used to color the header (when using Template.cshtml) */
        "PrimaryColor": "#539be2"


Creating A Mailable

Coravel uses Mailables to send mail. Each Mailable is a c# class that represents a specific type of e-mail that you can send, such as "New User Sign-up", "Completed Order", etc.


If you used the Coravel CLI, it already generated a sample Mailable in your ~/Mailables folder!

Mailables inherit from Coravel.Mailer.Mail.Mailable and accept a generic type which represents a model you want associated with sending your mail.

Here's a sample Mailable class:

using Coravel.Mailer.Mail;
using App.Models;

namespace App.Mailables
    public class NewUserViewMailable : Mailable<UserModel>
        private UserModel _user;

        public NewUserViewMailable(UserModel user) => this._user = user;

        public override void Build()
                .View("~/Views/Mail/NewUser.cshtml", this._user);

All of the configuration for a Mailable is done in the Build() method.

You can then call various methods like To and From to configure the recipients, sender, etc.


To specify who the sender of the email is, use the From() method:


You may also supply an instance of Coravel.Mailer.Mail.MailRecipient to include the address and sender name:

From(new MailRecipient(email, name))

Send To Recipient

Using the To() method, you can supply the recipient's e-mail address and name.


Using an e-mail address in a string:


Multiple Addresses

You can passIEnumerable<string> to the To() method.


Pass an instance of MailRecipient to the To() method.

Multiple MailRecipients

Pass an IEnumerable<MailRecipient> to the To() method.


Attach multiple files by passing an Attachment to the Attach() method.

Auto-Detect Email Address And Name

Using an object that has a public field or property Email and Name, you can pass it to the To() method.

Coravel will auto-detect and use these fields.


You can use this method by injecting the object model via your Mailable's constructor, and then reference in the Build() method.


Coravel will use the name of your class (removing any postfix of "Mailable") to generate the subject of your e-mail.

Given a mailable with the name OrderCompletedMailable, a subject of "Order Completed" will be generated for you.

Alternatively, you may set the subject with the Subject() method.

Extra Methods

Further methods, which all accept either IEnumerable<string> or IEnumerable<MailRecipient>:

  • Cc
  • Bcc
  • ReplyTo

Specifying Mail Templates

Razor Templates

.NET Core 3.1+

In .NET Core 3.1 there were some breaking changes to the way razor views are handled.

Which ever project(s) you have razor views inside, you'll need to make sure .NET compiles them at build time.

Here's what you'll need to change within your .csproj file to enable this:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Razor">  👈 Make sure it's this SDK.

    <AddRazorSupportForMvc>True</AddRazorSupportForMvc> 👈 Add this too.
Razor Views

Using a razor view to send e-mails is done using the View(string viewPath, T viewModel) method.

The type of the viewModel parameter must match the type of your Mailable's generic type parameter. For example, a Mailable<UserModel> will have the method View(string viewPath, UserModel viewModel). Coravel will automatically bind the model to your view so you can generate dynamic content (just like using View() inside your MVC controllers).

For views that do not require a view model, just inherit your Mailable from Mailable<string> and use View(string viewPath).

public class MyMailable : Mailable<string>
    public override void Build()


The CLI generated a sample for you at ~/Views/Example.cshtml.

Let's say we have a Mailable that uses the view ~/Views/Mail/NewUser.cshtml.

It might look like this (which uses a built-in template):

@model App.Models.UserModel

   ViewBag.Heading = "Welcome New User: " + Model.Name;
   ViewBag.Preview = "Preview message in inbox";

    Hi @Model.Name!
    @await Component.InvokeAsync("EmailLinkButton", new  { text = "click me", url = "www.google.com" })

@section links
    <a href="https://www.google.com">Google</a> | <a href="https://www.google.com">Google</a>

Html Template

If you want to supply raw Html as your e-mail use the Html(string html) method:

public override void Build()

In this case, your Mailable class should use the string generic type: public class MyMailable : Mailable<string>.

Mail Templates

When using razor views, there are various pieces of data that Coravel will automatically passes for you:


Assigning a value to ViewBag.Heading will show up as the main heading in your e-mail.


Assigned a value to ViewBag.Preview will display as a "preview" on some email clients that support this feature.

The footer will grab values from your appsettings.json file, if they are set (see Global Template Configuration).

Template Sections

There are two main sections you can define in Coravel's templates by using the @section syntax.

Links that are displayed in the footer.

@section links
    @* Put some html here *@

Override the entire footer with custom content.

@section footer
    @* Put some html here *@

Sending Mail


Inject an instance of Coravel.Mailer.Mail.IMailer and pass a Mailable to the SendAsync method:

private readonly IMailer _mailer;

public MyController(IMailer mailer)
    this._mailer = mailer;

// Inside a controller action...
await this._mailer.SendAsync(new NewUserViewMailable(user));

Queuing Mail

Assuming you are using Coravel's queuing feature, you can do this:

this._queue.QueueAsyncTask(async () =>
    await this._mailer.SendAsync(new MyMailable())

On-The-Fly Mailables

There may be instances when you want to be able to build / configure a Mailable dynamically. You can do this the following way.

  1. Define an empty Mailable class.
public GenericMailable : Mailable<string>
    public override void Build() { }
  1. "Build" your Mailable dynamically before sending:
var mail = new GenericMailable()

await this._mailer.SendAsync(mail);

E-mail Components

The CLI generated a _ViewImports.cshtml file in the root of your mail views. This allows you to use Coravel's view components.

Displays a clickable e-mail friendly button which will forward your user to a link you choose.

To use in your razor template, do this:

@await Component.InvokeAsync("EmailLinkButton", new  { text = "click me", url = "www.google.com" })

The default color of the button is #539be2 (blue), but you may set two further optional arguments to change the color of the button:

  • backgroundColor
  • textColor

Both arguments accept either a hex value or rgb/rgba value:

@await Component.InvokeAsync("EmailLinkButton", new  { text = "click me", url = "www.google.com", backgroundColor = "#333" })

Visual Testing

Testing the visuals of your e-mails should be easy, right? With Coravel - it can be!

It's just like sending mail, except you call RenderAsync instead of SendAsync.

Here's how you might render a Mailable and return it as an Html response - for viewing in the browser:

// Controller action that returns a Mailable viewable in the browser!
public async Task<IActionResult> RenderView()
    string message = await this._mailer.RenderAsync(new PendingOrderMailable());
    return Content(message, "text/html");